Monday, September 16, 2024

331 - Pool Noodle

 This week we talk about bad news at CCA, Simone Bailey's show at the Headlands, and Kate gives a correction as always.

The music in this episode is from the BDS Mixtape

Simone Bailey at the Headlands

California College of the Arts contemplates major changes amid $20m deficit

Pool noodles.

Monday, August 26, 2024

330 - I Wish to Control the Birds

 We talk about taking going to a traditional Palestinian embroidery workshop! It was amazing! Kate went to Your Mood Gallery in San Francisco. Kate looks for a part of a book 99 times. Maysoun becomes a modern witch. We talk about the fingers of your feet.

The music in this episode is from the BDS Mixtape

Min Amanne Designs - start embroidering!

San Francisco neighbors say Waymo honking continues, global audience follows along live

Divestment Teach-In RSVP!

Free Palestine!

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

329 - Ding!

Kate went to the Berkeley museum and saw Resistance Pleasure by Young Joon Kwak. We also talk about two types of Slash. Kate forgot her tarot deck but we talk about that shit anyway.

The music in this episode is by Jerusafunk


Monday, August 5, 2024

328 - Slippy vs. Grippy

Maysoun is in a pickle again. Can she get out of it?! We also try to find some dang shoes that are not on the BDS list. We also tell you to apply for a lot of money.

The music in this epodes is by Amina Shareef Ali

Footwear is treacherous!

Writers against the war on Gaza

Monday, July 29, 2024

327 - Ceramic Magic (with Victor Saucedo)

 This week we chat with artist, Victor Saucedo. Yes, we talk about cats. Who would we be if we didn't?! We also talk about white supremacy, ghosts, several neighborhoods in SF, televisions, and so much more.

The music in this episode is by GODGIFU and Chris Garneau 


Learn about PACBI! 

Congratulations Pine Tree is a proud adopter of PACBI, the Palestinian campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel. We invite all organizations regardless of size to adopt this boycott and stop all cultural and academic support for the Israeli occupation of Palestine. End the occupation! Stop the genocide! Free Palestine!

Free Palestine! Keep up the pressure!

Sunday, June 30, 2024

326 - Insane in the Membrane FOR TEN YEARS!

 This week Maysoun and Kate discuss Kate's mental breakdown. We also talk about SF Camerawork, the Audium, and some other art shit. Kate's in a mood! Makes sense, though!

The music in this episode is by FM-84

Transformative Mutual Aid Practices (T-MAPS) is a set of guided reflection exercises for identifying resources and strategies in crisis and in general.

Tools and stories
- Fireweed collective crisis toolkit, including links to online peer support 
- Zine on "Navigating the space between brilliance and madness" from Icarus Project, radical mental health org


Thursday, March 14, 2024

325 - Galaxy Brains

 We are finally back even though neither of us want to be! We talk about the Palestinian Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel, cold plunges, excuses, Vallejo, corn nus, and so much more! Welcome back to the MADHOUSE!!! 

The music in this episode is by Business Casual

Palestinian Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel

Writers Against the War on Gaza

Personal Space (in beautiful Vallejo)

Koons Ruins by Kathy Aoki!!! Go!!!


Thursday, December 14, 2023

324 - Free Palestine

 This week we are giving you a little morsel before we go on total winter stop down. Then we will rise like a glorious plant of some kind and BLOOM INTO 2024!!! Thank you all for sticking with us through this year. We love you.

The music in this episode is by Excentrik

Arab Resource and Organizing Center

Jewish Voice for Peace

Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel

Over 400 Bay Area Artists Sign Letter Calling for Boycott of Israeli Institutions from KQED

Gaza in Context

Decolonize Palestine


About the BDS (Boycott, Divest, Sanction) Movement:
BDS Movement

US Military Funding to Israel (look up your city):

From the bridge to the other bridge to the river to the sea.

Thursday, November 16, 2023

323 - Erotic Poetry with Elisabeth Nicula

 Elisabeth Nicula is guest hosting this week while Maysoun is on a mental-wellbeing-break. Elisabeth is a bird enjoyer, an artist, a writer, a critic, and someone who can confidently shit outside. Join us in this shared hallucination.

All the music in this episode is from the album PAZ Y LIBERTAD - All proceeds from this compilation album will go to Doctors Without Borders, soi check it out.

Check out Elisabeth's website:

Elisabeth Nicula

and these essays!!!:

We're alive, Pablo is Dead

Bad Reviews

Pacific Saw Works - NEW NEW NEW gallery in Oakland right near MacArthur Bart!!!

Climate Control - FRESH HOT NEW gallery right near 24th st Bart! Public transit users, your eyes will never be hungry again!

1599fdt - NEWEST gallery at 620 Kearny St in SF! Et al. is back in the basement so I Kate can live out her gremlin fantasies in peace.

120710 - WOW NEW gallery in Berkeley! CAN YOU BELIEVE!?!


Friday, November 3, 2023

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

321 - Idea Factory

 Folks, I swear tro friggin GOD we are gonna have an interview soon. We're losing our damn minds together in our bubble! However, it is not stopping us from generating so many ideas that you can't friggin believe it. PLUS WE GET AN EMAIL FROM A LISTENER!

the music in this episode is by FAVORS


Wednesday, September 20, 2023

320 - Betrayal!

 This week Maysoun decides to betray Kate by having a new favorite artist. It is incredibly hurtful. We also talk about a douchebag art show pop-up in SF Chinatown. Plus Kate gives the finger and Mayhsoun gives some heavy carbon calculations.

The music in this episode is by Lacrimorta


Monday, August 21, 2023

319 - Long Road to Vallejo

This week Maysoun tries to defend her scary use of periods over text message. Kate talks about a trip to see art in Vallejo. We're in summer mode, but I swear to all that is holy we are gonna get it together soon.

Music in this episode is by KUREI

Oakland Government Survey

Making memories on I-80

Thursday, August 3, 2023

318 - Meandering Ramble

 This week we have a good old fashioned ramble! We talk about some events coming up and Kate comes out as an absurdist. 


Thursday, July 20, 2023

317 - Gay Minds (with Leila Weefur)

 This week Leila Weefur guest hosts and talks with Kate about emerging, Bay Area mandatory history meetings, vegan food, and a shit ton of other things. Watch out- Kate and Leila of course are on one.

The music in this episode is by FAVORS

Queers shooting the shit!

Friday, June 23, 2023

316 - Swimming Pool USA

 This week Maysoun and Kate almost get baited into selling swimming pools. This episode is unhinged. I think we should go ahead and take a break for a week or two after this one.

The music in this episode is by FM-84

I don't know.

Thursday, June 15, 2023

315 - Reverse

 This week we experiment with time. Maysoun premieres her new medical corner segment. We talk about compensation for artists and whether we are face or name people.

the music in this episode is by quest?onmarq

Working Artists and the Greater Economy


Thursday, June 8, 2023

314 - Ben Writes In

 This is a celebration of Ben.

The music in this episode is bastiengoat

APAture at KSW

Real Time and Space - Come have an art studio in Oakland! Apply now!

Not this Ben.

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

313 - SEKMA Award

 This week we tell you all about the SECA show that just closed at SFMOMA! Maysoun brings Kate a banana!

the music in this episode is by Mya Byrne


Friday, May 26, 2023

312 - Climb Through a Hole

 Against all odds we have a new episode! We went to the SF State, Cal, and Mills MFA shows! Plus Maysoun went to a dance performance at Fort Funston! Please forgive our audio nonsense as we transition into being better at making a podcast even though we've been doing this shit for almost 9 years.

the music in this episode by FM-84

Congratulations, grads!!!

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

311 - Maysoun vs. Children

This week we reject astrology. Maysoun finally owns up to her hatred of children. Kate rants about social media and its impact on art shit and why we need to run to the fucking hills. MAYSOUN IS CLICKING AGAIN AND IT IS DRIVING ME UP THE WALLS!

Most of the music in this episode is by Fake Fruit

Elisabeth Nicula writings for Open Space

Narcissistic Test

Maysoun hates the youth.

Thursday, May 4, 2023

310 - Screwy Decimal

 This week Kate refuses to get out of bed. Maysoun tried to defend the dewey decimal system until she find out what a douche he is. We talk about what shows are coming up and how to take care of a Taurus.

The music in this episode is by KUREI

Artadia is now accepting applications for the 2023 San Francisco Bay Area Awards

Watch out for bad systems!

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

308 - Nus

 This week Kate and Maysoun try to coordinate outfits for the Hunky Jesus contest. I can't remember which Jesus won. Maysoun finally got to the ICA SF. We also complain about some things! Who would have thought?!

Most of the music in this episode is by Toro y Moi


Thursday, March 30, 2023

307 - Hold, Please!

 This week we shout loudly from the rooftops about some shows, Maysoun POPS OFF on Salesforce Tower, and Kate talks to herself. We learn about the global south and then feel ashamed of being clowns.

The music in this episode is by La Doña


UNUSUAL SUSPECTS paintings by Adam Ansell

Hot House Gallery 2200 Clement St (inside the 4 Star Theater building)

Moth Belly Gallery

See at the Southern Exposure things we were talking about

Welcome to the clown show!

Thursday, March 23, 2023

306 - Do you have a moment?

 Maysoun has solved a lot of problems in this episode. We talk about how to repair relationships, help your friend stop getting cornered at an art opening, and we have a ghost update from Sarah Thibault. We decide Aries season is the actual new year. Kate is quiet in this episode because she was at her studio and felt self-conscious. 

The music in this episode is by FAVORS

Aftermath of a Fight or Regrettable Incident - Gottman repair thingy

Welcome to Aries season, motherfuckers!

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

305 - Tainted by Ohio

 This week Maysoun and Kate find out which international art stars are coming to the Headlands and how many of them are from Ohio. Kate begs paranormal specialists to tell her if she is being haunted by a trinket stealing ghost. We also shout out some shows and welcome our new corporate sponsor, Sprint!

The music in this episode is by Fake Fruit


Wednesday, March 8, 2023

304 - Family Friendly

 This week we are cleaning up the show! Also we went to Fort Mason, not to be confused with Fort Maysoun. We saw a show by Kija Lucas and a show by Sunny A. Smith. We also fight about whether to enter the advertising industry.

The music in this episode is by KOOL A.D.

Fort Mason Center

We are 100% Family Friendly now.

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

303 - Road Fuckeroo

Maysoun had some bad cream this week. Learn about her road rage, Kate's reckless driving and some great shows in secret places! Don't forget to send us millions of dollars!

The music in this episode is by Schimscheimer Family Trio

Staircase Gallery

Adobe Books


Kate doesn't like kewpie dolls.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

302 - We Will Always Love You

This week we have too many people to say goodbye to! Also Kate went to a bunch of shows, Maysoun begs you to teach her how to make breakfast with egg whites, and we introduce a NEW AWARD!





Consuelo Tupper Hernandez

submit work for Forecast 2023 at SF Camerawork

2023 Open Call for Artists: The Guardhouse Program with FOR-SITE

Berkeley Art Center juried show open call

The intro music in this episode is by the Monophonics


Tuesday, February 7, 2023

301 - Horses and the Sun

This week we talk about pet portraits, horses, and the POWER OF THE SUN! Please send feedback and buy us a van.

Most of the music in this episode is by Turbo Sonidero Futuristico

Montalvo Open Call!

Aphantasia self-assessment

Millions of horses!

Tuesday, January 31, 2023


 IT IS EPISODE THREE HUNDRED! Against all odds, we made it! Help us count down the top 10 moments in Pine Tree History!

The music in this episode is by FAVORS

We made it!

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

299 - Good Riddance to 2022!

 This week we are burning 2022. Kate pops off about a show she saw in LA. We say goodbye to the 200s as we embark on our winter break. See you in late January!

Podcast that annoyed Kate

Jaime Cortez new book reading - check it out!


Sunday, November 27, 2022

298.3 - In the Dark

This week Maysoun and Kate are coming out of their depression. They discuss some unusual performance art they saw. Kate also goes off about how the movie The Wonder is anti-Irish propaganda!

Much of the music in this episode is by Toro y Moi

Bay Area psychologist threatening to call the police on a Spanish-speaking family for parking in front of her home

The Hunger The Story of the Irish Famine Episode 1

Maysoun says no to phones!

Monday, November 7, 2022

298.2 - SF Voter Guide 2022!

 Holy mother of god this was a hell of a feat! We detail the whole SF ballot as well as the federal elections, kind of. Join us as we wail and gnash our teeth.

Just do it if you can.

Monday, October 31, 2022

298.1 - East Bay Voter Guide and Lotto Fantasies

 This week we talk about some of the things on the East Bay ballots this year. We'll talk about SF and the state and federal races next week. We also fantasize about winning the Powerball. Plus throwing soup!

The music in this episode is by Necrot


Monday, October 17, 2022

298 - Love Maps (with J Rivera Pansa)

 This week Kate is joined by guest host and artist, J Rivera Pansa! They talk about Rollercoaster Tycoon, ASMR, and the vegan restaurant they are going to open. It was like a TGIFridays in there!

The music in this episode is by Giraffage

J's Instagram!

Let your intrusive thoughts run wild in RT3!

Sunday, October 9, 2022

297.1 - Curing Mental Weirdness

 This week Maysoun is taking Kate down the road to mental wellness. We talk about mindfulness, mini-golf, and the full moon. Keep sending your turkey pictures to

The music in this episode is by the Homophones

ODC Theater 2022 Fall Season

Thank you to listener Zoë for this incredible image!

Sunday, October 2, 2022

297 - Going Live

 This week Kate and Maysoun saw some live performance. Maysoun realized her true identity as a drag groupie. Kate saw the Space Lady. Plus we commit to interviewing everyone from Ohio.

The music in this episode is by the Space Lady

We love you, Space Lady!

Monday, September 19, 2022

296 - Chill Eulogy

 This week we're just shooting the shit about some shows. We also talk about eulogies and a snowy egret that was attacking its own reflection. Send us all your comments & questions:

The music in this episode is by Kool A.D.

Just talking about light topics like death!

Saturday, September 10, 2022

295 - Retro

 This week we go into mercury retrograde and part of that was Kate forgetting to put the show up! anyway, Maysoun keeps talking about fisting for some reason. Plus we introduce a new segment! Send us your comments and questions!

The music in this episode is by Madre Guía

Mercury is always fucking around.

Sunday, August 7, 2022

294 - The Frogs

 This week Kate and Maysoun went to a performance by synthesizer duo Red Culebra at the McEvoy Foundation. They also got devoured by mosquitos. Maysoun gives advice to a listener thinking about moving.

Most of the music in this episode is by Toro y Moi

They're not accepting any human apologies.

Monday, August 1, 2022

293 - Floating Eyeball

 Maysoun was a floating eyeball in space and saw some shows. Kate's cat, Bungie died and it's very sad. We miss him. We also try to figure out who curated the new show at the Oakland Museum.

Most of the music in this episode is by Mex Tape

Brass Tacks by Ricki Dwyer

Club Fugazi at Z Space

The Feminist Art Project at CAA


Sunday, July 24, 2022

292 - God damn, Maysoun!

This week we get some questions from the public! Maysoun is the moral compass once again. Maysoun also learns about rimjobs. If you want Maysoun to STOP CLICKING HER DANG MOUSE WHILE RECORDING please email us:

The music in this episode is by Lucy Camp

BICA - the Buffalo Institute for Contemporary Art - Go see the show Conrad curated!

Even As SFAI Closes, Students Rally to Save It by Sarah Hotchkiss for KQED


LeBron James is from Ohio.

Friday, July 15, 2022

291 - Perverts and Portugal

Sorry the audio is a little gnar gnar in this episode because we forgot how to record in person. This week we talk about lesbian secrets, Kate's time in Porto, and Maysoun looks at butts. Please let us know what's going on with you! We are so lonely!

Most of he music in this episode is by Criibaby

SF Art Book Fair

CDPH - Monkey Pox info

Unlock the lesbian secrets!

Friday, May 27, 2022

290 - Berkeley Excursion

 We head to Berkeley this week and see the UC Berkeley MFA show and a great show by Candace Lin at BAMPFA. Maysoun is very secretive about touching butts and we dance along to a video with a multi-boobed cow figure. 

The music in this episode is by Vector Hold

Imm Thai Street Food

Save SFAI facebook group

Class Action SFAI

SFAI Faculty Union

University of San Francisco to Acquire SFAI by Sarah Hotchkiss

BART short story contest

Other Places art fair

This is where we recorded this week.

Saturday, May 14, 2022


 We've come unhinged and we apologize for that!

The music in this episode is by bastiengoat


Saturday, May 7, 2022

288 - Why Video Not Ok?

 We're talking unrestricted funds, things to apply for, and the RED CARPET ROOM! Hear all the cat meows you can handle! We talk about kicking art, too- but don't tell anyone about that. 

the music in this episode is by dj submissive and breedable

we go to the red room!

Saturday, April 23, 2022

287 - Mist Madness

 This week we talk about all different kinds of mist. We also give eight simple tips to stop global warming. Wally and research assistant Katy Kondo are featured! It's a tour de force. 

The music in this episode is by the Monophonics

See Kate, Mansur Nurullah, and Jeremy Rourke at Recology!

...if you've forgotten the access key, remember the tower rotation

Friday, April 15, 2022

386 - Hang on Sloopy

 We are entering the loose era. We talk about tall men, the soapbox derby, and when cats have birthdays. Please email us and talk to us! Kate's a lonely goblin.

The music in this episode is by the McCoys

Ohio pride!