Elisabeth Nicula is guest hosting this week while Maysoun is on a mental-wellbeing-break. Elisabeth is a bird enjoyer, an artist, a writer, a critic, and someone who can confidently shit outside. Join us in this shared hallucination.
All the music in this episode is from the album PAZ Y LIBERTAD - All proceeds from this compilation album will go to Doctors Without Borders, soi check it out.
Check out Elisabeth's website:
Elisabeth Nicula
and these essays!!!:
We're alive, Pablo is Dead
Bad Reviews
Pacific Saw Works - NEW NEW NEW gallery in Oakland right near MacArthur Bart!!!
Climate Control - FRESH HOT NEW gallery right near 24th st Bart! Public transit users, your eyes will never be hungry again!
1599fdt - NEWEST gallery at 620 Kearny St in SF! Et al. is back in the basement so I Kate can live out her gremlin fantasies in peace.
120710 - WOW NEW gallery in Berkeley! CAN YOU BELIEVE!?!